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IAFE event 10/29/07

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The International Association of Financial Engineers presents

An IAFE Members Event featuring Luminaries​

Robert C. Merton and Myron S. Scholes

Robert C. Merton is the John and Natty McArthur University Professor, Harvard Business School & IAFE Senior Fellow
Myron S. Scholes is Chairman, Platinum Grove Asset Management L.P. & IAFE Senior Fellow​

Perspectives on the Current Financial Crises – Will This Keep Happening?

Welcome Remarks and Question and Answer Session by
Tanya Styblo Beder, Chairman, SBCC & IAFE Board Member​

Monday October 29th, 2007
5:00 Registration, 5:30 Event, 6:45 Reception

Sponsored by
International Securities Exchange​

McGraw Hill Auditorium
1221 6th Avenue (Entrance on 49th Street)
This event is free for IAFE Members and $100 for non-members.
Space is limited and is on a first come first serve basis – with priority going to IAFE Members.​

Click here to login to the members area and register for this event​