If you had to start from the beginning...

If you had the chance to go back with the knowledge you know now about the process are there any changes you would make before applying to a MFE? What mistakes did you make early on either in undergrad or the application process? What did you do to rectify them or what would you have done if you had to do the process over?

Also, are there things you did that you feel greatly increased your chances of acceptance into a top MFE program for those who have been accepted/graduated?

I'll get this rolling...
for me, due to a few unexpected turns in my life I wasn't able to pursue college directly after high school like I had planned. 3 years later I'm finally getting the chance, I'm partially glad I waited. Now I know exactly what I want in life and the path I need to take to get there where if I had gone to college 3 years ago I'm sure I would have ended up with a degree equivalent to 17th century literature. :eek:
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