Hi [USER=49968]@Igna[/USER]
I was wondering what would happen to workers in the quant field if they cant generate a good trading strategy?
I understand that the quant business is all about earning money using programming and maths, and better researchers have more insights and chance of success for alphas. But I also understand that the construction of a good trading strategy has a lot to do with luck. Therefore, there will exists people to tried very hard but cant found good alphas...
I've heard that most companies will tolerate workers for 0.5-3 years before they fire people for not being able to earn money...right now I'm a little worried about this (being a fall23 incoming mfe student) and would like to know what would normally happen to these people and how did everyone deal with it?
Some of the answers I got from people around me would be:
1. quit worrying about this and just first practice leetcode and interviews
2. beginners usually start with more detailed advice before they move on to more abstract fields. I've heard of a "idea list" in some companies where anyone could pick an idea to begin with(this notion is by far the most helpful
3. not working out an idea is ok but you have to explain to the pm to convince him/her why
4. not all groups care about alphas, some care more about hedging their portfolios and minimize risks
But anyway, I've seen people getting fired and I definately dont want to be the next one... while I love this field, I would like some more certainty. So can I ask how people usually dealt with this? and if people are getting fired in their jobs, what could be the red lines that they stepped on?
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