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[Info] Students Ride NJ Transit FREE: Feburary 4-10,2008


Students - Ride NJ TRANSIT Free! (February 4-10, 2008)

NJ TRANSIT is offering college and post-secondary students the opportunity to ride their system - bus, rail, and light rail - for free from February 4 through February 10, 2008. All you need is your student ID and a Free Ride Coupon!

How to Ride Free

* Students are required to fill out a brief registration.
* After registering, your free ride coupon will appear. Print it, and be sure to hold on to it. You will need to show that coupon every time you ride.
* From February 4 through February 10, show your coupon and your valid college/post-secondary student ID to any NJ TRANSIT Bus Operator, Conductor, or Fare Inspector.
* Travel on NJ TRANSIT for free as often as you like for the week!

Link to coupon: