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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Is that possible for me to get into the master of mathematical Finance of UofT?

I am currently a senior student in UCSB. My GPA and GRE is 3.4/4.0 and 325. I am majoring in statistics and data science. I have a internship as liability underwriter and one as a shipping department assistant in a foreign trade company. I also got a stragical investment certificate in my school extension.
Is that possible for me to get into it? Or where should I need to strengthen it.
I don't see any reason not to apply. Just plan accordingly.
The general guidance is the same for most people.
Address the programming aspect. I advise most people to take the QuantNet C++ and Python courses. They are well-known among top MFE programs admissions as literally thousands of MFE graduates have taken them over the years.
Get all the math requirements out of the way. Some programs will require more than others. You may take those from some local community colleges.
If you don't get into your target program(s) this year, address any missing issue and reapply.
I don't see any reason not to apply. Just plan accordingly.
The general guidance is the same for most people.
Address the programming aspect. I advise most people to take the QuantNet C++ and Python courses. They are well-known among top MFE programs admissions as literally thousands of MFE graduates have taken them over the years.
Get all the math requirements out of the way. Some programs will require more than others. You may take those from some local community colleges.
If you don't get into your target program(s) this year, address any missing issue and reapply.
Thanks for your advice. Since I am just afraid my low GPA