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Job Feasibility after MFE

How is the job market for MFEs?
What are the salaries that could be expected after MFE and how much would it take to get a job after the course?
Can someone point to a list of firms which recruit Financial Engineers
How is the job market for MFEs?
What are the salaries that could be expected after MFE and how much would it take to get a job after the course?
Can someone point to a list of firms which recruit Financial Engineers

I think the market is pretty good...though your mileage may vary depending on how good of an impression you made to you prospective employers.

In terms of salary, did you checkout the employment stats page? http://www.baruch.cuny.edu/math/masters_employment_stats_new.html
I can say anecdotally that I work for a large fixed income money management organization and across the board we are looking to ramp up our quant expertise. MFE grads are exactly the type of skill set/talent they are looking to bring in here.