Looking for a book.

I'm looking for a book to serve as a primer on equity valuation. I was looking at one in a bookstore recently, and it was pretty interesting, but I'd like to read some more on the subject. I'm looking for a book which encompasses a wide range of models, like dividend-based, EPS analysis, etc. Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
Damodaran on Valuation - 2nd Edition, is a good book, although that's the only book I have read, so you should wait for some other suggestions and compare this book with the other books on this subject.

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not a quant book, but good for valuation

Financial Statement Analysis and Security Valuation
Stephen Penman

This is not a quant book, but it is, IMO, the best for equity valuation, although it is not a primer or survey of all the methods out there.

You could supplement this with
The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements
Gerald White, Ashwinpaul Sondhi, and Dov Fried

For a general survey of methods, see Damodaran or the CFA book:
Equity Asset Valuation
John Stowe, Thomas Robinson, Jerald Pinto, Dennis McLeavey

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Not a book, but a paper

there is a paper about equity valuation in the attachment.
The Bayesian framework justifies the practice and should be useful.

I have managed some equity valuation during my internship.


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