Master Program

I am a learner from another country. How likely am I to be accepted into a financial engineering or quantitative finance master's program in the United States? I received a bachelor's degree in automotive engineering in January 2023 with a grade point average of 2.80, a score of 7.5 on the IELTS, and scores of 164 on the quantitative section and 146 on the verbal section on my first attempt at the GRE.
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Look at the QuantNet MFE rankings.
Look through the Tracker and see the profiles of everyone who applied to the programs you are interested in.
You will get into some programs, the question is whether it's worth joining.
Lot of research needs to be done from here on out. Take your time and read as much as you can here.
Howdy, andy
Thank you for your response. With a 2.74/4 cpga (excellent GRE scores don't appear to be able to compensate), it appears to be difficult for me to achieve MFE top-tier status. Do you have any suggestions for me, or do other universities offer MFE programs with lower GPA requirements? Thank you beforehand!
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