• C++ Programming for Financial Engineering
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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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    An Intuition-Based Options Primer for FE
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MFE Profile Review

Hi, I'm looking forward to joining the MFE programs in 2025. I have been a quant trader at a local security firm in South Korea for three years and want an opportunity in the USA. I already applied to UCB MFE for spring 2025 through round 4.

Target Programs: Top 10 MFE and MS in statistics programs for fall 2025

Education: Economics(Financial Economics), a prestigious school in Korea (GPA 3.8/4.0, Major 3.9/4.0)

Relevant Coursework
: Calculus, Linear Algebra, ODE, Analysis, Statistics, Numerical Analysis, Stochastic Process, Python, C, Econometrics, Derivatives, Machine Learning for Finance, etc.

Work Experience: I have been a trader for three years, including a year as a low-latency trader via rust programming.

Test Scores: TOEFL: 94(planned to retake), GRE: V151, Q 170

I have some questions below.

1) Do I also need to retake the GRE as well?
2) Is my profile competitive enough for admission?
3) How can I improve it?

Thanks for reading my post.