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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

MaaneMa: You could use this site and the M.Fin site extensively... There are some pretty good links on this site that can help... From what I've read, its mostly behavioral... Are you going for the phone or skype? Who is your interviewer?
Good luck!
I had a chat with an admissions officer at the admitted students day. She said they're aiming for around 120 students and they've filled around half. It seems to me that considering round 1 and 2 are finished, half seems pretty little, but a lot of people were also waitlisted last round so maybe they are evaluating them with round 3 applicants.
sonyask and @ aaron: Thank you for this update. Although both sources seem pretty authentic; clearly, there is some serious disconnect.
Keep in mind that the deadline for acceptance in rounds 1 and 2 has passed. It is possible that only 60 people accepted, I have no way of knowing. But about 150 were initially admitted.
Well I am done with my interview. I have a deadline of April 15th to accept Columbia MSOR. So wondering how soon can I expect a response from MIT?

The decision deadline for R3 is Friday, April 13th :P. Just hope they tell us sometime before that!
Well I am done with my interview. I have a deadline of April 15th to accept Columbia MSOR. So wondering how soon can I expect a response from MIT?

The decision deadline for R3 is Friday, April 13th :p. Just hope they tell us sometime before that!

I think it's safe to say MIT will contact you exactly on April 13th, no sooner and no later. If you check the R2 acceptance thread, we were all huddled around the Quantnet forums updating each other as the admissions office was telephoning accepted applicants (It was quite dramatic:ROFLMAO:). The phone calls lasted a few hours, and those who were either rejected or waitlisted were contacted by e-mail shortly afterwards. Good luck.
Keep in mind that the deadline for acceptance in rounds 1 and 2 has passed. It is possible that only 60 people accepted, I have no way of knowing. But about 150 were initially admitted.

You've mentioned before that the directory had entries that "weren't real". Is that still the case and included in in the 150 figure? I believe you quoted 146 in a post a few weeks ago after MIT had released R2 deadlines.

Ah okay! thx twwsc.. So next 'Friday the 13th' is gonna be real scary :devil:

Conditional probability of admission is actually pretty high based on both MIT's statements and the tracker data. :p
You've mentioned before that the directory had entries that "weren't real". Is that still the case and included in in the 150 figure? I believe you quoted 146 in a post a few weeks ago after MIT had released R2 deadlines.
They're probably still there, but there's a handful of them -- definitely fewer than 5. If I said 146, that was probably the total including the test entries. The 150 figure is just an approximation from memory.