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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Joan Merlis; does anyone know what the acceptance rate is like for this program? They don't seem to publish it, or I'm just blind
I've read ~10% somewhere but that might be bs
Would you mind tell us who your interviewer was?
It is very useful for us to know your interviewer's name, as it will help us understand - is our interviewer done with the calls or not.
It's not done by your interviewer, I had Diane Jordan call me. Don't read too much into it, you'll find out sometime tonight or tomorrow if you got in, and even then not everyone gets calls. If you get a call, your wait is over, if you don't, do not lose hope because you've still got a chance till you get the letter.
Joan Merlis; does anyone know what the acceptance rate is like for this program? They don't seem to publish it, or I'm just blind
My interviewer is Joan Merlis too. Did she call you or someone else?Thanks!