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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

To be fair, Latam applicants have close to 0% acceptance rate from previous years :(
Hey man, I'm a current student in the program and I'm from Latin America. You're right, we're underrepresented. I'm the only student from the region in the program (from a total of 130 students). If any people from the region (or elsewhere lol) enter in the program I would love to connect and talk a bit about it.
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I guess they have stopped calling as there would be only around 3 hours to be March 11th. So, I guess maybe we should not worry too much, as I noticed that some comments in this forum and forum last year mentioned that candidates might get accepted without a call. Who knows, right? So, just have a good sleep and wait for the decision email patiently.
I guess they have stopped calling as there would be only around 3 hours to be March 11th. So, I guess maybe we should not worry too much, as I noticed that some comments in this forum and forum last year mentioned that candidates might get accepted without a call. Who knows, right? So, just have a good sleep and wait for the decision email patiently.
I am in the Eastern Time Zone and I guess there would be no calls today. I didn't receive a call till now, either. Hopefully, we could get through this hard time! BEST LUCK to all of us!