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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

No news on my end, you?
I have a timer every 5 minutes, but still nothing... I'll update you in another 5 if you wish!

Edit: still nothing... what a surprise. Will check again in 5 minutes!

Edit' : careful guys... I'm about to give another update. Keep tight! Edit '' : Yep, still no update. What a bummer.
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got a call from Diane at 8:30!

Edit: im in Indiana and the call is from a 617 area code. It’s also my interviewer who called.
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Is there anyone got a call from Rachel? I saw nearly 10 reporting geeting a call but none of them from Rachel.
Is there anyone got a call from Rachel? Or does anyone know that someone has received a call from her? I saw around 10 reporting geting a call but none of them from Rachel.
Is there anyone got a call from Rachel? Or does anyone know that someone has received a call from her? I saw around 10 reporting geting a call but none of them from Rachel.
Interesting, seems like they are calls being made after all! Where did you get this info?

PS: to answer your question, there does not seem to be too much relationship between the interviewer and the person making the call :)
Heard from a forum that MFin faculties just had a social event tonight so some calls will be delayed to tmr.
Is there anyone got a call from Rachel? Or does anyone know that someone has received a call from her? I saw around 10 reporting geting a call but none of them from Rachel.
Where have you seen the 10 calls? Want to check for my interviewer