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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

I guess they will be sent out around Jan 27th-29th, if I am not wrong. that is what they did last year.
that'd be a quick judgment. based on the number of applications, number of rounds, class size predictions, and application deadlines, interview dates can move back and forth.
May be XWWX can answer the question.. if she or he received the interview call... or any one else received the round 2 interview call. I want to move on with life.. and the sooner I know the better :)
usmfe No need to worry. It seems that they just started sending out invites and have different interview rounds for students in the US and those in china
Ha ha there goes our chances I guess.. Does MIT send out rejection emails to folks now or have to wait till March 14th..
in canada
just got informed about interview
Yes They e-mailed me saying that I needed to book an interview time
everyone else I wouldn't give up hope yet
there were a lot of open spots for interviews