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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Maybe I'm not following your question, but you asked if MIT has a waitlist, and you don't want a yes or no answer to a yes or no question?

The answer is yes, by the way.
I meant if MIT has a waitlist and how does it work since the beginning of the program is so early (July 14)
I had a few friends that got WL last year and they heard back end of Apr ish.

Also, how do you know they are going to make a phone call if your admitted?
I heard for the MBA programs they phone some people while others get their decisions online.
I think it might not be accurate. If they gave early decision it would not just be to only one person. Keep waiting!

I think we should do a Countdown! :ROFLMAO:
Somebody posted "admit" this morning, congrats to you!

How to count down now?, they can send email/call anytime during the day.... :confused:
He is not going to MIT though in the end. Let's see what the next few hours hold for us.