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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Does anyone know how common scholarships are? As in how many people get them, the usual amount, etc.
I'm a South American applicant and I still haven't received any communication from MIT. The status in my MIT account still reads: "submitted and being evaluated". Is there still hope?
all results comes in on the 9th

According to the admissions blog if you are not getting an interview you were supposed to be notified yesterday, which motivates the thought "well if I didn't hear yet, I must be on the interview list". A single person confirming a rejection justifies the thought while a lack of any confirmations makes it more likely the first round rejections are just delayed by snow/holiday/etc.
According to the admissions blog if you are not getting an interview you were supposed to be notified yesterday, which motivates the thought "well if I didn't hear yet, I must be on the interview list". A single person confirming a rejection justifies the thought while a lack of any confirmations makes it more likely the first round rejections are just delayed by snow/holiday/etc.
I haven't received any communication yet.
I haven't received any communication yet.

We're both still alive based on available info :)

Yesterday, I was refreshing the site every 30-60 minutes and it was down for about half an hour around 1pm EDT. I wonder if that was downtime to push out the initial wave of rejections.
We're both still alive based on available info :)

Yesterday, I was refreshing the site every 30-60 minutes and it was down for about half an hour around 1pm EDT. I wonder if that was downtime to push out the initial wave of rejections.
The weather is horrible in Boston for the past two days....So I wouldn't be surprised that the page went down. I asked the admissions people today and they said that they will be starting make decision in the coming week. The lastest interview I know is happening is on the 24th, so Im assuming there is still interviews not being handed out yet
The weather is horrible in Boston for the past two days....So I wouldn't be surprised that the page went down. I asked the admissions people today and they said that they will be starting make decision in the coming week. The lastest interview I know is happening is on the 24th, so Im assuming there is still interviews not being handed out yet

How did you get the information regarding the 24th? Are those in Cambridge or another geography?
just curious how bad the weather was in boston... -17 F here and still have to go to school

The temperature is cold but what's been brutal is the near continuous snow fall. I swear we've gotten 6 feet in the last 3 or so weeks and with the temperature staying so cold we don't get any melt in between snowstorms. It's getting to the point where snow blowers can't even throw high enough to clear snow banks.
Anyone got rejected already? Also, does anyone know if invites for Latin America candidates have been sent already?