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MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

Any advice concerning the quant assessment? What does it consist in? Which maths are tested? (linear and euclidean algebra, probability, stochastic models?)
Got invited for London as well. How long does the entire process take? I know the interview is 30 min and test is 10. But the overall thing is what? 1h? 2h? Networking opportunities?
Are interview invites sent out in batches or all at the same time for Mumbai location?
Logistically, since this is an in person interview, I think the interviews in Mumbai will not span more than 2-3 days. In that case, they would have sent out invites more or less at the same time to ensure that candidates get sufficient time to plan their travel etc.
Logistically, since this is an in person interview, I think the interviews in Mumbai will not span more than 2-3 days. In that case, they would have sent out invites more or less at the same time to ensure that candidates get sufficient time to plan their travel etc.
I think so too. But last year some received invites few days later. Hopeful until end of this week🤞
I mailed adcom and they said 'We are still reviewing applications'. Although from threads of previous years ,chance of anymore invites for Mumbai is slim.Overall ,looks like a bloodbath for Indian applicants.
I mailed adcom and they said 'We are still reviewing applications'. Although from threads of previous years ,chance of anymore invites for Mumbai is slim.Overall ,looks like a bloodbath for Indian applicants.
What do you mean by bloodbath? Only IITians with a perfect Quant Score and straight As in Quant Courses along with CFA and GS type internship experience can crack the program?
Of the five criterions you mentioned ,I fit in four of them but could not get an invite.So yes,things seem super competitive this year.:)