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Hi everyone!

I'm currently a Ph.D. student at one of the top 4 CS schools (CMU, Berkeley, Stanford, MIT) and have received internship offers from several places:

Citadel (I'd be working as a "quant" intern, not FTAP)

Goldman Sachs

Two Sigma

Jump Trading

I'm curious -- what's the perceived "prestige" of each of these places? I've heard that GS is a little different, since it's an investment bank, but is it like comparing apples and oranges when comparing to the other firms on this list?

Also, is anyone familiar with the full-time compensation structure for the above places? I've heard that compensation heavily depends on performance, but is someone familiar with actual figures?

In particular -- the internship offers are ludicrously high (~$9-10K a month, plus corporate housing for two of the above firms -- not sure I'm allowed to say which). I've checked on Glassdoor, but the true numbers seem a bit low.

- mfrobo

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