need some advice on choosing MFE over MBA and possible career prospects

I'm currently doing my final year of B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering in India. I'm more interested in math and finance and trading. I was thinking of doing MBA. But i just found this course yesterday and i was just wondering what is the basic difference between an MFE and an MBA . And what difference does it make from a career point of view?What would be the minimum pay that i can get?
I'm currently doing my final year of B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering in India. I'm more interested in math and finance and trading. I was thinking of doing MBA. But i just found this course yesterday and i was just wondering what is the basic difference between an MFE and an MBA . And what difference does it make from a career point of view?What would be the minimum pay that i can get?

1) as bansalmohit said, do a little research as for difference between MFE and MBA material, there is tons just here on quantnet as well as elsewhere.. its silly to continually replicate this answer over and over again

2) as for minimum salary... this seems to be a pretty common misconception among prospective students to these programs.. it is easier to get accepted to an academic degree program than it is to get accepted into a job after graduating from that degree program. after all, you pay for the degree while the job pays you. a job is NOT guaranteed. therefore the minimum guaranteed salary is always zero upon graduation, sorry to burst that bubble. what you want to do if you are choosing between the programs (and have made up your mind to actually attend a graduate program which should be a big decision in the first place since they are expensive and like a said guarantee nothing) is decide which program offers you material that is of interest to you and your career goals. after you do some research you'll find MBA and MFE have extremely different curriculums so the answer should be obvious once you look into it.

3) i can give you an indication of what minimum salary should be after graduating from MFE, GIVEN you in fact successfully land a job (which is as i have said not a guarantee), i.e. the (very) conditional expectation of minimum salary including bonus.. this should be something like $80k (this is an expected minimum of course not the expected salary given you land a job - there are actually statistics floating around on that)
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