Need your $0.02

I know with regards to career, a lot of things really depend on luck. But generally speaking, what are the chances of getting into a trading role after doing an MFE degree in CMU/Columbia/NYU? And in what positions are MFE grads usually recruited?

In addition, it would be great if anyone in the industry, could provide their perception of what they regard as the future of quants in trading roles?

I ask this because I recently read a topic on Wilmott regarding "Quant Finance is Dead" and other threads which seem to be negative on the future of quant - for example may need to find a non finance job, or that jobs are only available in risk management
But generally speaking, what are the chances of getting into a trading role after doing an MFE degree in CMU/Columbia/NYU?

that depends entirely on you.

i can only speak from my experience at one of the schools (although i assume the same applies to at least nyu), but employers came to us with trading roles available. in other words, you will have the chance to interview for those roles.

whether you close the deal or not is entirely on you. if you, like most aspiring traders on these forums, aren't cut out for it/prepared/interested in the role beyond "oh i think it'd be nice"/etc., you will most likely not land a trading gig. if, on the other hand, you know your stuff/can talk about the markets intelligently/etc., there's no reason why you can't get a trading role from a top program.
I got into First New York Securities upon graduation from Baruch MFE.​
I'm working here in sort of a hybrid role. Automating discretionary strategies and working on trading infrastructure, on top of the traditional "trading assistant" duties for a desk. I imagine this sort of role is where the future of quants in trading is heading, at least at the entry level.​