Pre-Mfe selection criteria

Hello everyone,

This is my first quantnet forum post. I have a question regarding the Pre-Mfe seminars and it’s pre requirements. A little background about myself. I completed my Bachelors degree in Computer Science in the UK back in 2008. But due to the burst from the financial crisis, the amount of tech jobs were evacuating from the UK at the speed of thought. So as a result I switched to accounting and have been working in that line of work ever since.

But since last year I decided get back into my coding background and relearned python with a focus of applying to deep learning methodologies. I also completed and passed CFA Level 1 on December 2017.

I have learned the mathematical requirements from Calculus 1 - 3 on my own using online material and the Stewart’s book, since they were not taught at the universities in the UK.

My question is, will my lack of having college credits on Calc 1-3 be of any significance towards selection for the Pre-Mfe seminars?

Thanks in advance for all your assistance
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