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Princeton University - Master in Finance

Princeton MFin Princeton Master in Finance admission results

I see. All the best with your interview with an alumnus!

I interviewed on the second to last week of January, and haven't heard anything about a second interview.
Any idea about the acceptance rate after 2 interviews ?
I have no idea about the acceptance rate for people with two interviews.

It seems like nobody gets in without at least the first interview. If I remember correctly, they are doing about 120 first interviews. It appears they accept about 30 students.
If I remember correctly, they will finalize the decisions on March 3rd. They should communicate with applicants shortly after that.
For those without second interviews, I know 2 person that got in last year with just 1 interview, so don’t worry
I forgot to write 'thank you' mail to Ms Wendell. Should i write it now ? It's been more than 3 weeks since the interview ?
I forgot to write 'thank you' mail to Ms Wendell. Should i write it now ? It's been more than 3 weeks since the interview ?
I would not. I bet out of 120 applicants, everybody did not send one. If you do now, It'll just be highlighted...