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Princeton University - Master in Finance

Princeton MFin Princeton Master in Finance admission results

Yes, they have sent out the invitations. Some members have updated their application tracker. I haven't received the mail myself :(
Yes they do send the rejection mails. Last year the acceptances were sent out on the 6th and rejects and waitlists on the 7th as per my knowledge.
Hi all,

Does Princeton send out interview invites only once? Is everyone else rejected in silence ?

According to the posts here was only one wave of interview invites for round 1 this year...can anyone confirm this? Is Princeton still conducting/ sending out invites?

Any inputs will be helpful.
Rejected in silence.
I know that there is usually a very limited number of people on the wait list, think 3-4. Depending on how much people reject and how many people they want it's usually possible for most people to make it off the wait list, from what I have heard
My Profile: 6 years of experience in Risk Management and Analytics with booth the sell-side as well as buy-side for a leading Asset manager. GRE: 168Q

Colleges applied: Princeton MFIn, Yale Master's in Asset Management

1. Could someone help with what can I expect from the interview session with Princeton? Would there be more than 1 round of interviews? Few pointers that I should to take care of while communicating my responses?