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Princeton University - Master in Finance

Princeton MFin Princeton Master in Finance admission results

Could you share a bit about your background?
Yeah, dual BS in applied math and industrial engineering from university of illinois. A master from Harvard. 3.6-3.7 GPA in both schools. 2yrs experience in Microsoft and 2 yrs experience in a top hedge fund, both role are software engineering though. V162 + Q170 + AWA 3.5 GRE. No research experience or anything. I position myself as strong candidate but nothing super star at all.
To the best of my knowledge, no. But I never actually had one so take that with a huge spoonful of salt.
The Email said the alumni interview is a "brief" one. So I doubt if it will be a technical one. Anyway, there nothing too much we can tell until the decision day. So I'd rather just do what I got to do and hope for the best.
Yeah, dual BS in applied math and industrial engineering from university of illinois. A master from Harvard. 3.6-3.7 GPA in both schools. 2yrs experience in Microsoft and 2 yrs experience in a top hedge fund, both role are software engineering though. V162 + Q170 + AWA 3.5 GRE. No research experience or anything. I position myself as strong candidate but nothing super star at all.
Lmao your trolling at this point. You are a superb candidate. You work at very good companies, your probably one of the top candidates.
I also received one invitation 24 hours after my initial interview. The email stresses that the alumni interview is brief and not guaranteed.
Yeah, I think the process maybe different from previous years and the second round is more like "we want to know a bit more about you". Good luck to everyone :)
Is it guaranteed that the decisions will come out March 15? Could they come out in batches/rolling or is it standardized?
Is it guaranteed that the decisions will come out March 15? Could they come out in batches/rolling or is it standardized?
I don't know where you got March 15 from, but they've typically come out before then (like first week of march/last week of February)
3.8+ CGPA, 4.0 major GPA. Worked at OTPP for 16 months in risk with traders, doing a thesis in reinforcement learning. From a top Canadian university studying financial engineering.
wow very interesting profile - really different from the previous profiles posted