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Princeton University - Master in Finance

Princeton MFin Princeton Master in Finance admission results

Done. As an FYI for everyone, the email says they have shortlisted around 100 people but not sure if they have sent invite to all 100
Hi, glad you got invited, do you mind sharing your background through DM? I am pretty much sure I have done very well on the math test, but until today I don't receive any email regarding an interview.
Congrats to those who've got interview requests!

Would you guys mind telling how well do you think you did on the Math test? Test seemed easy so was wondering if those who've gotten invites got 11 or 12 right
Congrats on receiving the alumni interview! when did you get it after the admissions interview? thx
Hey, has anyone received a rejection email from princeton? Would be great if anyone who did can let us know, tnx
Congrats on receiving the alumni interview! when did you get it after the admissions interview? thx
Haven't received the alumni interview, the email just said that this year there might be an alumni interview alongside the normal one. I received the email 2 days after the interview.