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Princeton University - Master in Finance

Princeton MFin Princeton Master in Finance admission results

Received the alumni invite ~ 2 weeks after my main interview. Also I'd received the main invite before the math assessment - so not sure how strongly they consider the assessment
Does anyone know if Princeton University has sent out all 100 main interviews?
For people who had their first round interview, how long did your interview last? Mine ended early without leaving time to ask her questions. Feels bad lol
For people who had their first round interview, how long did your interview last? Mine ended early without leaving time to ask her questions. Feels bad lol
mine was ~30 mins but she did not leave time for me to ask questions as well
congrats for those who got an offer!! may I ask the specific time you received the email? wanna know if they already sent out all the ad results at once…
Hey, got an offer too, congrats to those who got an offer and let's hope for all others ! Can I be added to the Whatsapp group please ?
Hey Congrats on everyone who got offers! When did you get the offer? Wanted to check if they send all the offers at once or if there's still hope for me