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Princeton University - Master in Finance

Princeton MFin Princeton Master in Finance admission results

Anybody else was put on the waitlist? Trying to get a sense of how many ppl it could represent…
Did anyone in the waitlist get any update. Will they send out any formal rejections to the waitlisted candidate or not? I thought we would get a decision by 15th April.
Hello, can someone help with what topics are covered in QBA and whats the level of difficulty? Are the Pre MFE topics of Baruch satisfactory?
Hello, can someone help with what topics are covered in QBA and whats the level of difficulty? Are the Pre MFE topics of Baruch satisfactory?
The questions were moderately difficult, covering calculus, probability, statistics, puzzles, and other general math. There was one question related to Ito integrals, which I felt was tough(I didn't prepare this topic, so maybe felt so; not sure really how tough the question is once you know the theory), and the remaining others were of moderate difficulty.
Hi all, did anyone get any update regarding their Princeton MFin application after the math test? Does anyone know what is the timeline generally?
no update btw fun fact, this year number of applicants grew by 50% from 600 to 1000+ and they only got like 25 seat lol