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Princeton University - Master in Finance

Princeton MFin Princeton Master in Finance admission results

from US or other places? do you know what the time might be that they sent out this first batch of interview invites?
This is what I got from Princeton last Friday

It seems that you have heard about some invites for interview being issued. Regardless of what you may have heard, any interview invites that have gone out today (only in past few hours) are minimal and we are still compiling a list for interviews.

Please feel free to share this information with your fellow applicants on whichever website or blog you are following the application processes.
This is what I got from Princeton last Friday

It seems that you have heard about some invites for interview being issued. Regardless of what you may have heard, any interview invites that have gone out today (only in past few hours) are minimal and we are still compiling a list for interviews.

Please feel free to share this information with your fellow applicants on whichever website or blog you are following the application processes.
Thanks for sharing! This is so encouraging. :) Good luck to all of us!
No... I looked at the admission tracker last year. The last few interviews were like 27th. Say if they notify a week before, they will still continue to send out invitations this week. However, Princeton is extremely competitive. I wouldn't be surprised if I did not receive one.

Don't feel discouraged, please. There are still a lot of awesome programs out there! (That's what I said to myself and also to anyone who has not received the invitation yet)
Hey guys, I received one today. There are around 20 spots left. I guess they are still sending out invitations!