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Princeton University - Master in Finance

Princeton MFin Princeton Master in Finance admission results

So no more invites since Friday?

Haven't heard from them so far - I would assume they are probably wrapping up sending out more interview invites as it is close to the decision date.

It also seems to me that they only send out invites on Fridays.

Just to keep track.. The results were released around the same time last year.

So nervous... :(
Just wrote them an email asking whether there are any invitations left

Reply -

I am sure you understand that the departments are still reviewing applications and that we cannot possibly give an indication of the status of any application at this time.

All application decisions will be made know by email by March 15, 2017.

Thank you,

Just wrote them an email asking whether there are any invitations left

Reply -

I am sure you understand that the departments are still reviewing applications and that we cannot possibly give an indication of the status of any application at this time.

All application decisions will be made know by email by March 15, 2017.

Thank you,


I guess it is too late for interviews now.. I haven't heard of any dings also, so I think they'll only reject or admit March 15 exactly