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Hi Mic.  Where are you applying from, and what is your profile? I can give you a sense of whether this might be a ding or not, though you have to be prepared for the answer- it may hurt. If you're concerned about posting it online, PM it to me.

Interviews are typically finished by the end of January IIRC.  And they often will contact you about a week in advance to schedule it.

I should caution that there are anywhere from 500-800 students every year who think they have a good enough shot at an admit to pay the $90 application fee, but there are typically spots for only about 20-40 students.  So that means that the majority of students won't be interviewed.

In any case, I know what it's like to get that form letter starting with "We regret to inform you...", or to worry about getting it. 

If  it makes you feel any better, I was rejected over and over again by the Ivies.  Both for undergrad and for grad school, and it hurt both times. Every time I got rejected, I got more determined to prove them wrong.  And I managed to find my success on Wall Street without help from the Ivies.  You will be able to too, if necessary.  That is the mindset you need to have through this process.  Incidentally, it's the mindset that will also help you get into Princeton.

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