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Great topic! :)

Beside the ones already mentioned I can point out books by Nassim Taleb and Michael Lewis.

Black Swan (by Taleb) is about probability of rare events and probably interesting for finance and especially risk management professionals. Haven't read it myself but I want to. Dimitri talks about it in his channel. [MEDIA=youtube]NVL_EKlZ1j8[/MEDIA]

Then the finance author KING :))) Michael Lewis. I can recommend

- The Big Short! No need for introduction, we all know the (AMAZING!!!) movie.

- Liar's Poker: About traders and the Wall Street culture in the 80s. Not anything to do with Quants though.

- Flash Boys: About HFT and in general how trading is taken over by tech/quant people

They are all available on Audible as audiobooks. Perfect for commute. Look also at my own thread:

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