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Hello Quantnet,

I come here usually satisfied with the good advice that follows. I'm seeking as such given my current career position.

Ivy league graduate, quant dev in mid-size small HF in Chicago. 80% analysis and tools for descretionary traders 20% strategy. Almost every day coding and database management. Been doing this for three years now. There's salary progression but no allocation.

Some of my strats are rigourously backtested with 0.7 Sharpe. (transaction cost, cross-market, all assets, in/out sample testing, twelve years, not some retail trading bs).

Recent update is that there's a position at a BB almost lined up for me. But the title is still quant dev. If I could guess, it's perhaps only slightly better in terms of market exposure, 70% coding 30% strat.

My aspiration is to eventually be a PM with say the immediate allocation goal of 10mil.

1. Should I take the BB job? Though still quant dev, it'll bring me closer to the market. MOre network too.

2. Does a quant dev, assuming very good and well liked, eventually get promoted to PM? Am I getting to ahead of myself given that I'm only in this for 3 years.



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