Recommended pre-req readings

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I am thinking of applying either for a certification or a masters program in FE. The problem is i have been out of school for some time as i have been working in the wall street area for more than 10+ years as a technology consultant. Before applying to these programs i need to brush up on some of the prerequisites required for these programs. Now when i was in college i took all courses in may of the prerequisites (alegbra, calculus, probability and statistics), but truth be told i do not remember much for those classes since i've worked primarily as a software developer and have not needed to use that level of math in my work.

So my questions is...can anyone recommend books, courses or tutorials that will serve as a good refresher for the prerequisites for an MFE program? I like if these readings cover from basic to advance.
At the very least, can you list the areas i should focus on?

Thank you much,
Now, some programs sites have a list of pre-req courses with detailed description for each. That would be helpful for courses to take.