Stanford MCF vs CMU MSCF

Hi all,

I recently got admits from Stanford MCF as well as CMU MSCF. My short-term goal is to work as a quant researcher or a data scientist, preferably in a buy-side firm. As of now, I do NOT want to pursue a PhD (this opinion might change in the future though). After spending some years in the financial industry and earning truckloads, I might be open to opportunities in the tech field as well.

I had a few queries regarding my selection dilemma:

1) I heard (unofficially) that TAs/RAs get a full tuition fee waiver along with a stipend covering living expenses at Stanford. Is this information true?

2) I have not heard of Stanford MCF alums working on Wall Street, in hedge funds etc. Will choosing Stanford MCF restrict my career options? Will I get the same job opportunities that a CMU MSCF student gets?

3) How would you compare the curriculums of both the programs in terms of job prospects, difficulty, and flexibility?

Have to get back by 5th April, hence would appreciate some immediate help on my selection dilemma. Thanks in advance.
In your position, I’d go to Stanford for the tech options. I’ve heard of MCF grads in FAANG, so it is definitely an option for students at Stanford