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Ahh, so that's why you're so angry at the article that you fail to come up with a coherent argument.


He's right, you know. I won't go too much into it because it is overwrought and over-writ already.


Yet, Ilya, I admit you are not without cause. I dislike Stephens' self-righteous attitude, it denies the fact that everybody was young once - the difference is that there were more opportunities for previous generations to gain the experience to tame the stupidity and sense of entitlement. Now, those opportunities are far and few between, and not through any fault of our own.


I believe this attitude has to change if we as a society are to move forward. High unemployment is with us; I feel there's been a fundamental shift in our economics, and it's here to stay for at least a decade. The older generation can't just keep ignoring it and blaming the younger one for being... too young.

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