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The worst thing, which I think this article alludes to, is the arrogance with which people who graduate university have these days. They literally think the world owes them a job, and that they're the smartest, most employable people on the planet. When really they know jack shit.


I still remember when I stopped going to lectures, and my class-mates asked me why I would pay £x per year only to not receive the "product" I was buying. I told them the product I was buying was a certificate not an education, which they didn't really get, unfortunately.


I completely agree about your last point too. I find it exceptionally ironic that politicians in the UK and US keep talking about the STEM economy - how people should study engineering, maths and the sciences rather than arts subjects, because it will drive our economies forward and give employment to those leaving university. I find that logic almost laughable - you only have to look at the number of STEM students graduating into jobs that use none of their STEM skills to see how wrong their reasoning is.

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