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Suggestion on internship

  • Thread starter Thread starter NoahW
  • Start date Start date
Hi all.
This might be a stupid question but I'm really confused. I'm a junior year student preparing for MFE2025 application at the end of this year and up until now I have had two internships. The first one was about factor mining which lasted about 3 months and I did quite well as I successfully discovered several valid factors independently. The second one, which I'm currently on and have been doing for 6 months, is about volatility prediction and developing option strategy based on it. The previous 6 months had led to something that may turned into a live strategy, or maybe not. I'm quite confused as to whether I should carry on with this project because people around me tend to have at least 3 internship experiences before their application. Though I'm most inclined to carrying on because it's interesting and promising, but I also need to take the implication on my application into account since it could also lead to nothing or a failure.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated! Have a good day
You have 2 internships which is 2 more than many applicants. As long as you can contribute and learn valuable lessons in those experiences, it will be a big plus in your applications.
You are taking the QuantNet C++ course which will give you a leg up and a strong signal to programs that you are a serious applicants.
Use the remaining time wisely to strengthen your profile. You can further your programming skills by taking the Python course. I've seen applicants with proven C++ and Python background got into top programs.