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This is how long recruiters spend looking at resumes

What would you guess that a recruiter will spend looking at your resume that you spent so much time perfecting? Sounds like they should spend at least a few minutes to get to know you, right?
According to this study (attached PDF) and confirmed by recruiters on LinkedIn, the answer is... 6-7 seconds.

The take aways from the study and the things you need to do are below
What did we learn?

1. Recruiters take 6-7 seconds on average to scan a resume
2. Layout is everything to help recruiters know where to look
3. A professional, rewritten resume was a 60% improvement compared to an unwritten resume (using a Likert-like scale from 1-7, the former was a 6.2 vs a 3.9 for the latter)
4. Trying to create visual appeals on the resume is the exact opposite of appealing
5. Recruiters spent 80% of their time on
-Current title/company
-Previous title/company
-Previous start/end dates
-Current start/end dates

As a jobseeker, what are the key takeaways?

-Build your resume to be scanned, not read
-Focus on keywords
-Consider having your resume professionally written
-Don't use the same resume for every job
-Eliminate things that can distract from the real "meat and potatoes"



  • TheLadders-EyeTracking-StudyC2.pdf
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