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UCB - bachelors in Mathematics best route?

Hows everyone doing? I'm new to this board but I have been reading several articles regarding quantitative trading / analysis. Let me start off by saying I am 20 years old with 3 years of stock trading experience with my own cash. Quantitative trading is the field I am going to get into.

I love trading and I have a successful track record. I am 1 year away from getting into UCB with an 80% chance of admission since I'm in a program which offers that to Latin individuals who want to pursue a degree in a quantitative field at UCB. My goal is to get into a trading firm and trade with my strategy. I eventually want to save up the money I earn and start up my own trading firm.

I have no experience in computer science. I am taking pre-requisite courses for the mathematics department at UCB. Would you guys suggest a BA in mathematics ? I am also planning on getting my PHd in Mathematics at UCB as well. I have read that knowledge in mathematics and computer science is a must for landing a job that I am looking for. Would the best route be pursuing my degree in Mathematics and then several courses in computer science? I didn't think laying out a plan would be this difficult.

I need advice from experts to help me concentrate and focus on what I need to do without having any confusion. Thank you for your time.