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University of California, Berkeley - Master of Financial Engineering

UCB MFE UCB MFE Admission Results Discussion

Applied early Sept. Interviewed early November.
Status: Application under review
Going by the earlier years threads, Round 4 people generally get waitlisted so I am not sure should I wait for the decision to come or not. I have to respond to other offer. Can someone please help me?
Applied early Sept. Interviewed early November.
Status: Application under review
Going by the earlier years threads, Round 4 people generally get waitlisted so I am not sure should I wait for the decision to come or not. I have to respond to other offer. Can someone please help me?
Drop them a mail stating your issue along with proof of the other offer attached. They should respond to you soon.
No response lol. I think in the past round 4 tends to give response at the very end of their promised date
They do give round 4 admits every year, sometimes they also give waitlist with guarantee for next year admits.
oh okay! waitlist with a guarantee for next year admits is new :P I just wish they give the decision now. Has been so long.
oh okay! waitlist with a guarantee for next year admits is new :P I just wish they give the decision now. Has been so long.
Haha it really has. But at least we’ll know by the end of this week. Good luck everyone! And please update if you hear something :)