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Columbia MFE is having a bit of a slump right now so I am not sure if this year will be better for them than the last year or not. I would still think it to have better reputation than NYU MFE though. CMU MSCF is top notch and certainly a cut above NYU MFE. That being said, unless you are fine with waiting for another year, NEVER reject an admit. Take what you have and hope for the best. The initial deposit may seem high now but in the grand scheme of things where you’d be paying 80-90k tuition and seeking jobs paying 100-200k, the deposit is an insignificant amount and treat it as such. You don’t want to be pennywise and pound foolish.

Coming to you wanting to be a ‘QR’, it really depends on what you mean by that here. If you want to be a quant researcher, in general, you’d be good with NYU. It would get you a job. CMU may offer better opportunities but the reason behind CMU’s excellent employment stats doesn’t have as much to do with the program but with the fact that the best profiles usually end up going there. If someone at CMU got a job at Citadel, they would still have got just as good an offer had they gone to a ‘weaker’ school instead of CMU. The marginal advantage of going to a better program isn’t all that much after a certain point.

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