I am an international student who recently got admission offers from UMich Ann Arbor QFRM and Columbia MSOR. Can you guys give me some advices on choosing which schools? It's really hard for me to decide.
It seems to me that UMich QFRM has a small class size of 20-25 this year, and their curriculums possesses high quality and good targets on the fields. I was told that their internship placement rate after first academic year was 80% for international students admitted in Fall 2015. I also heard the Ross Business school can attract many employers to UMich, but I don't know how much that can help on the job replacement of FE.
I am also wondering about the program's connection with employers in US. Besides, I heard there was a MFE program before at UMich, and it was closed because of the low job replacement rates. Is that true?
For Columbia, the class size is very big, over 100. Moreover, I heard that some important FE courses are for FE students only, but I am not sure whether that is true. Besides, the Columbia tuition is a little bit too expensive for me. However, maybe the MSOR's job replacement is much more higher than UMich?
Even though this question might be little bit stupid, I would be appreciated if you guys could provide me some accurate information. Plus, I am also looking for current students at UMich QFRM to chat with.