Waterloo MQF Admission Test

I just applied to University of Waterloo's Masters of Quantitative Finance program. While they do not require standardized tests like GRE or GMAT, they do administer their own test after a candidate is selected onto the short list. I haven't been selected yet but I was wondering if anyone has any experience in this test? What are the topics and to what depth?
I'm in the MQF Program now. The entrance examination was fairly difficult, but don't freak out about it. From what I remember, they asked a wide range of questions from basic linear algebra, basic probability, giving definitions of instruments (i.e. what is CDS, etc). There were also some brain teaser/riddle type questions. They just want to know how you think.

Don't think of it as a test where you have to get a 100%, just try your best.
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