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    Python for Finance with Intro to Data Science
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Which internship will benefit me more before starting the MFin program?


Cornell FE
I just received an email from Bloomberg that I passed their online exam and that they invited me for an interview.
I applied for a "Financial Software Developer" position. This may turn into a full time position (I want to start MFin in fall 2011).

Here is what I'll study during the spring semester before the beginning of the summer internship:


- Introduction to computing: brief overview of software development
- Becoming a power user on UNIX: managing files and processes, customization, and practical commands
- Introduction to programming in C: control structures, functions, pointers, data structures, sorting and searching
- Introduction to databases: tables, indexing, simple SQL queries
- Introduction to software engineering at Bloomberg: life cycle of a project"

Also, I applied for a few Trading Summer Analyst positions.Now, which position will benefit me more ?

