Which is better for long term prospects Developer in Algorithmic Trading or A Quant in Execution Sid


Want to know from experts which would be better choice for a long term prospects in Algo Trading/ High Frequency Trading

1. Algorithmic Trading Developer for developing platform and developing strategies more of a developement role
2. Quant for execution strategies

Hi Siddharth,

To build a successful career in Algorithmic Trading, you'll need a good enough understanding of both the things. In most of the leading algorithmic trading firms globally, the guy who's trading/executing is the same as the one who programs.

In terms of 'picking' the role, if you are inclined more towards the technology side, then you might want to choose a role where you not just program the strategy but also who works on improving the latency and the core technology of the algorithmic trading platform that your firm is using. That will carve out a particular niche for you.

If you are looking to have a more intense quantitative role, then you'd need expertise as a quant and a decent understanding of programming so that you can at least program your strategies, i.e. output of your quantitative research you do for the strategy side.

Best Regards,
Anupriya Gupta
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