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Your argument seems most logical, however, you fail to account for the possible effect of harsh events like slavery, colonialism, imposition of new cultures, etc; mentioning that african IQ's range from 59 to 82 is probably the most ridiculous statements I have ever seen. My family is from africa, my IQ is always over 130 when I take an IQ test; so too is my big brother. A simple case that suggests a change in environment can have remarkable effects.

Furthermore I do not care if some guy from Europe or the US has 1000 nobel prizes; that does not qualify him to say intelligence is probably dependent on race. For instance, and you may know this, nobel prize scientists in the US once made assertions such as: blacks can not fly in planes for say the air force because their brains are of inferior build and hence may swell and possible explode. That is not the statement of an intelligent person, it is the statement of a racist person (who chooses to substitute his obvious intelligence for what he grew up hearing from his parents). Scientists once said blacks can not play sports (especially leadership positions like quarterback) because they are incapable of thinking rationally. These are the same 'nobel prize' gods you are quoting.

All human brains are a conglomerate of muscles, hence we are all capable (within limits) of similar levels of brain functions. It also happens that if some 'chief scientist' makes some statement about intelligence and race, then those that fall into the favorable groups would easily accept and quote books and other scientists (who happen to be in the same groups) as further """proof"""; and those who do not fall into that group, like myself would naturally oppose the position. From this point of view, this argument is a waste of time.

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