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CMU MSCF Why does CMU not show Dec 2011 salary stats??

I am not sure if that can be taken as a worrying signal. However if you want to know the stats before taking a decision to join the program, why don't you ask the admission office for the same ?

babinu - Sure, I will be asking the admissions office, but I can't think of any reason why they should not publish the stats online for anyone to see. Out of the 700-800 odd students who apply to cmu each year, i expect that a lot of them are concerned about the placement stats... and surely, cmu themselves would not want 700 ppl calling them asking the same question... That said, it is absolutely possible that cmu has some valid reason for not posting the stats for the students who graduated in Dec 2011 (15 months ago); but I can't think of any.

Does anyone from cmu know the reason?