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Not in New York City, that's for sure... well may be in a very few schools.

I have a substitute teacher license in Math and Physics from NY Department of Ed. I was really shocked when I went to some schools in Brooklyn and Manhattan (and those schools were in relatively good neighborhoods). Only the fact that to enter inside you have to take off your shoes, put them with the rest of your stuff through the screening machine and then pass metal detector tells how bad things are now days.

On average teacher spends 95% of class time on discipline and 5% on teaching. This is horrible. Even brightest kids don't have any chance for a good future after attending those schools.

I don't know, maybe this situations is specific for New York, but something is telling me that in the rest of the country things are not any better.

Of course, there are private schools available but they are very expensive. And on a top of that, private school tuition is not tax deductible! But this is a topic for another big conversation.

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