I definitely understand the concepts. I don't know if there is any way to convey that to you more clearly. However, many of my classmates, including some PhDs in math (like they already have their PhD, but don't want to stay in academia), say there is a disconnect between whats taught and whats assigned for homework.
One thing I will agree is I wish I could solve more problems, like I should get a textbook that has problems and answers, as that would reinforce concepts learned. That's what got me into this program.
What books do you recommend for probability? I'm taking a proof/theorum intensive probability class and am having some trouble with it.There are some shitty programs out there where there's a disconnect between what's taught and what's assigned as homework (or turns up in exams).
In what areas are you having problems? Zoom in on what specifically is giving you a problem. Probability? Stochastic? Numerical methods? There are specific books in each of these areas that can be useful.
What books do you recommend for probability? I'm taking a proof/theorum intensive probability class and am having some trouble with it.