Recent content by amir

  1. amir

    Constraint on Girsanov Transformation

    as you know the only constraint on the drift is that it has to an adapted process. I am also curios to see if there is any work answering your question. btw, this statement seems a bit unclear because this is not what the Girsanov's transformation does with the drift
  2. amir

    Constraint on Girsanov Transformation

    this is a good question. but what are you referring to by the drift! both the diffusion's drift and the girsanov kernel can be called drift of BM
  3. amir

    Computational Science Background for future MFE

    i think you shouldn't be very strict on what you think ... You have vision and are doing your best and that's enough. Just listen to your heart (this means that you should do what you like no matter where you are) and also consider facts e.g. your financial situation; and be ready for changes in...
  4. amir

    Alternative models than Black-Scholes?

    would you plz be more precise about that?
  5. amir

    Alternative models than Black-Scholes?

    Shreve's book is not immature. different books have different purposes ... you may also find the following useful: Monte...
  6. amir

    Stochastic process in finance

    I like this book: Stochastic Processes and Models by Stirzaker
  7. amir

    question::phd application

    I am applying for phd to some schools and am a potential phd candidate at my home school........, Is it a good idea do you think to mention this in my motivation letter?
  8. amir

    Baruch MFE Transcripts exceeding 2 MB

    open your file with Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro. Then go to the Document and then Reduce File Size.
  9. amir

    Realized Volatility Calculation

    Sample var is calculated as average of squared deviations from mean, not sum.
  10. amir

    Realized Volatility Calculation

    it must be SQRT(252) * SQRT(AVERAGE_OF_SQUARED_LOG_RETURNS) because AVERAGE_OF_LOG_RETURNS is about zero now this and the one in trade2win are the same
  11. amir

    Merton's portfolio optimization

    would appreciate it if anyone could list some sources to study Merton's portfolio optimization problem in a setting where the drift of the risky asset is an unobservable normally distributed random variable.
  12. amir

    Hitting Time on a double barrier

    I am not sure but you may find this book useful: Stochastic Optimization in Continuous Time by F.R. Chang chapter 6: 6 Boundaries and Absorbing Barriers
  13. amir

    Is an American put option price same as an European one?

    the price of American put option is always greater than the price of European put option
  14. amir

    When men build lives from honest toil, courage never fails

    When men build lives from honest toil, courage never fails
  15. amir

    More mathematics than Steven Shreve's book

    martingaletrader and DVV are right! Background in Stat is good but there are still a lot to know to make a solid background. regarding your first post; you said that you need more math. but with your background, more math will work for you only when you have a good intuition about the game you...
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